1 LB – Ground Turkey
1 Avocado
Whole Wheat Buns
Cheese Blend (of your choice)
Sweet Potato Fries
1/2 Stick Butter/Margarine (optional)
Pre-heat your oven to 425 and place fries on a baking sheet in a single layer. When heated place your fried in the oven and set a timer for 15 minutes.
Break your Ground turkey and mix in your seasoning of choice (for this we did Penseys sandwich sprinkle, Salt, Pepper, Cayenne and Paprika) Split this into 4 1/4 lb balls. In a small bowl press the patty flat and up the sides of the bowl. Put in shredded cheese and shape the sides over the cheese to close (like a dumpling). Get a pan searing hot on the stove and add 1Tbsp Olive Oil. Place patties in pan and shake pan to keep from sticking. Cook for 3-4 minutes then flip and (optional: add butter) then cover and let cook for 3-4 additional minutes. While this is cooking place your buns in the oven with your fries for 2 minutes to toast. Assemble the burgers to your liking for this we added our preferred condiments and Avocado. Plate everything and enjoy.